Tuesday, August 23, 2011

{hot} dish: little hands signing class in towson - registration deadline is 8/29!

Stories By Hand offers engaging "Little Hand Signing" story and song-based American sign language class for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and their parents. And they're coming to Towson on Monday mornings this fall.

From September 12th through October 31st, families with up to three children can attend a fun and engaging class sign language class for just $130/family. The baby class (ages birth to 24 months with caregiver) meets at 9:30 AM. The preschooler class (ages 2-6 with caregiver) meets at 10:30 AM.

Why consider teaching your baby/infant/toddler/preschooler sign language? It provides another means of communicating with your child. Read our interview with Kathy MacMillan of Little Hands Signing.

The deadline for registering for either fall Towson class is August 29th. See the Little Hands Signing flier for more information. To keep up with all of the class offerings from Stories By Hand (they frequent MANY local libraries!), 'like' them on facebook!