Kids seek the attention of their parents and often vie with siblings for the attention that’s available. This can set them up to be somehow opposed to each other.
Since parents are the attention givers and the experts on so many questions (i.e. Where are my shoes?! When will dinner by ready? What does narcissist mean?), kids seek them out for learning information and of course telling on a sibling. When parents continue to be the hub of the wheel of family communication, relaying messages to other siblings or stepping in to sibling disputes, then children are going to continue to feel that their regular path of communication is to their mom or dad and not their siblings directly. This pattern certainly doesn’t help them work together, solve problems or go to each other for help.
Parents can help to lessen competition and encourage collaboration by stepping out of conflicts that don’t require them and redirecting communication to siblings rather than mom or dad. Besides teaching kids individual responsibility, it also teaches them that their siblings are not just lap hoggers and attention getters, they can also be helpful and useful.
I am friends with and care for 3 young-ish children (the oldest one just turn 6). They all go to bed at the same time & are generally in the bath together two at a time before bed. It’s hard for me to make sure that everybody is calm and getting clean/into their pajamas. I can’t do it by myself. That’s why I need the help of the kids. “You have some food on your face. Yep, keep wiping. I have to go check on your sister. Maybe your brother could help you get your face clean.” Helping a younger sibling + asking an older sibling for help! Huzzah! I wasn’t watching when his face got clean. I just know that it was when I looked back.
“When are we going?”
“Did you ask your sister? She might know.”
“Where is my library book?”
“Hmm…who else might know?”
And just like that, siblings are talking to each other & maybe even helping one another. Yes!

My almost 5 year old now helps my almost 2 year old out of bed and onto the potty before they come and wake me. This may be the best milestone we've hit yet. This approach is totally working for us.
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