Monday, November 14, 2011

mommy + me yoga play date with yoga imaginarium at charm city yoga

It's time to announce our next play date! {{We're squee-ing with excitement about this one.}} What's one thing you DON'T need? More stress. What's one thing you do need? A little zen.

So we've partnered with Yoga Imaginarium (part of SoilSound) to bring you just that. Some mommy and me yoga time with your kiddos. A little respite in the craziness that can be life. (Note - dads are more than welcome!)

Date to be announced soon!

About Our Play Date:
Stretch and Pose! Close your eyes, relax and take a deep breath. Grow tall like a tree and then slither like a snake. Listen to the voice of the storyteller as she guides you on a mystical journey. Enjoy the magical sounds as your imagination comes to life. Join yogis, yoginis and brave adventurers. Meet dragons, fairies, pirates, robots and other amazing things as you explore new and strange lands, far far away.

Yoga Imaginarium offers a creative and supportive environment for enhancing flexibility, coordination, strength, body awareness, and imagination. Children have fun exercising while striking poses and imitating movements and sounds of nature. Yoga provides an excellent way for children to bolster self-esteem and improve self-discipline as they gain control over their minds and bodies.

Experience the magic with your child during this fun play date experience!

This particular play date is geared for children ages 2 through 8.

Play Date Schedule
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM - Mix 'n Mingle
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM - Yoga Imaginarium Class
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM - Snack

Where will we be?

Location Coming Soon.

What to Bring?
Wear comfy clothes, bring a yoga mat if you have one, and be ready for FUN.

Who's Making the Snack?We've got something super fun planned... stay tuned for details!

NOTE: This play date was originally scheduled for December 3rd and RESCHEDULED for January. Date coming soon.