Monday, March 14, 2011

only fools text and drive day - brought to you by The Mommies Network

This April Fools Day, The Mommies Network isn't joking around. They're launching a national campaign to educate about the dangers of driving text-stracted.

After all, only fools text and drive.

The organization created a video where children share their thoughts about anyone (but especially parents) texting and driving. Additionally, Mommies everywhere are encouraging everyone to drive with their headlights on this April 1st to raise awareness of the hazards of texting and driving.

What do we love about this campaign? The Mommies Network isn't just sharing the dangers - - they're actively working to do something to help eradicate the practice. It isn't new legislation, it's simply practical. They've partnered with Vlingo to bring members of the 25,000+ person network an application for hands-free texting, emailing, searching and more. For FREE.

From the Vlingo website: Vlingo combines voice to text technology with its "intent engine" to help you quickly complete your desired action. Simply speak to your phone or type a command through the ActionBar to get just about anything done while on the go.

A multitasker's delight! The offer is good for Blackberry and Nokia phones. For details, view the video below.

If you're like me and need a gentle reminder about Only Fools Text and Drive Day, here's a button to download the event to your e-calendar or RSVP to 'attend the event' on facebook.

(cool) tip: Want to learn more about The Mommies Network in Charm City? Check out Baltimore and the Baltimore Mommies blog.