Thursday, March 17, 2011

tech thursday: rules for facebooking

Sometimes, social networks can be frustrating. This week is no exception.

Kimberly, a local blogger who maintains the craft blog The Muddy Princess recently released a statement on her blog:
I'm a small blog, and I blog for fun, so I never thought it would be necessary to run down the rules of copyright law. But after a fellow mom alerted me to the fact that someone else was using my children's photos on their FB page, I found that this matter needed to be taken care of immediately.

All photos on my blog are my own, unless otherwise noted. Which means, you are not allowed to copy my photos for your personal use. Unless you are a fellow craft blogger linking to one of my projects, you have no right to my photos. If the children you see in these photos are not your children, please do not copy and use them for your personal use.
Facebook is a social utility. It's an opportunity for us (as parents, but also as individuals) to connect and interact with our family members and friends. It's also an opportunity for those of us who run businesses -- large or small -- to connect with existing and potential customers, partners, and vendors.

But it's a tool that purposefully blurs the lines between "personal life" and "business." Are your business colleagues your 'friends' on Facebook? What about your business partners and vendors? It's one thing to show your administrator a cute photo of your kid that's on your iPhone. It's a whole other animal for him or her to have access to your entire online family album and 11:52 PM stream of conscious status updates.

It goes without saying that Kimberly should have never been in a position that her forced to write a public statement indicating images and content posted on her facebook page were her property -- especially images of her own kids. You might remember our first Tech Thursday post on cyber civility. Rule number eight? Don't take things that aren't yours.

That said, the whole idea behind Facebook is that it's a sharing tool.

Which leads me to today's question regarding tech and families: what are your rules for what goes up on you page?

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Technology Thursday is a joint project of Classic Play! and (cool) progeny. Each week, both blogs will be taking on a family-technology-related issue. We invite you to join the conversation!

Past discussions in this series:

How much is too much?
Do you take your coffee with a splash of Smart Phone?
What Would Nana Say?
Can Gaming Make you a Better Parent
Boys and Gaming
Cyber Civility