Thursday, March 17, 2011

celebrate st. patrick's day: make a handprint leprechaun

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

One of our family's favorite holidays -- although "St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland so everyone who is even 1/1000 of a percent Irish (or claiming to be Irish at heart) celebrates with pints of Guiness at their local watering hole" is a bit of an abstract concept to explain to a toddler.

Instead, we celebrated by reading Hooray for St. Patrick's Day! flap book and making handprint leprechauns - - an adorable idea I found over on Meet the Dubiens (a new fav blog find!). The Bug had trouble with the whole 'handprint' idea. It was just too much fun to smear the paint. I think it turned out rather cute though, don't you?

Best part? I had all of the materials lying around the house. You can find a full tutorial (and lots of other fun craft ideas!) over on Meet the Dubiens.

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!

How are you celebrating today?


Unknown said...

It turned out so cute! Thank-you so much for linking to my leprechaun.